Yep- I turned one year older yesterday. I had to spend three hours of it in my Scientific Inquiry class, but that was only a slight detour in an otherwise great day!
I got to sleep in, wear pj's for an extended period of time, enjoy some flowers (and fresh strawberries!) from my awesome husband, and then head out for an amazing sushi dinner. Oh, how I love sushi.
That california roll up on the left was Leo's. Don't worry- I didn't eat ALL of it.
He also had some chicken teriyaki, but gave me most of those sugar snap peas.
We like to share. :)
And then! It was time for birthday cake!
First up, a normal shot with me and the oh-so-tasty Green Tea ice cream cake.
...and then Leo (the paparazzi) got a little shutter happy.
That cake was DElicious and a perfect ending to my 28th birthday!
I remember back during my senior year of high school, we were asked to write an essay all about where we saw ourselves in ten years. And dang it, I really wish I had kept it! My ten year reunion is this year, and frankly, my life is NOTHING like I had imagined back then. And I thank God every single day for it.
What's the old saying? "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." That about sums it up.
Here's to another exciting and unpredictable year ahead!