Drink sizes are out of control. And for ME to say that means A LOT. Because I'm a camel. I'll drink any amount of beverage you put in front of me. But seriously... Leo & I were headed to the IRC today (we'll get to that in a minute), and decided to stop by Jack In The Box to grab some drinks before we arrived. So he got a medium lemonade, and I decided on a large diet coke. And THIS is what I ended up with:
That monster contained 42 OUNCES of Diet Coke. That's 1.25 LITERS! I was honestly too embarrassed to even take it upstairs to the offices... It stayed in the car until we finished, and then I prompty finished it within 10 minutes of being back in the car. Like I said: CAMEL.
But honestly, people. I remember back when a "large" was no more than 20 oz. And that was HUGE. What has happened around here??
So anyway...
Yes, we went to the IRC (International Rescue Committee) today for our first day of volunteering together. Leo's been working with them and their soccer events, but today was my first chance to get my hands dirty. And it was SO much fun!
The IRC works with refugees- getting them to the US, and then helping once they arrive. And at the office, they have a closet full of donations. The refugees are able to come in and "shop" and take home things they need. So Leo & I will be helping out on a weekly basis to organize and run the closet. There's no money involved, just some paperwork where we write down what's taken and who comes in and out. And the language barrier definitely adds another layer of fun! Most of the refugees in Dallas are from Bhutan, and speak Bhutanese with very limited English. So my bits of Spanish & Setswana and Leo's French/Swahili/Kinyarwanda don't seem to help much... but we make do!
It's also pretty cool because in going through the immigration process ourself, we know about all the documents and what they're all going through. In fact, one of the ladies today had a clear plastic pouch with some of her important papers- one of which was a social security card! I pointed it out to Leo-- there's hope!
Another bonus of working with the clothing was: Leo learned what a onesie is!
And just for fun...
I would like to introduce you to our newest technological additions around here:
First up, we have our new scanner/printer/copier combo. And it's wireless! And I set it up in literally 10 MINUTES!
The only downside to these additions was that they boosted my techie self-esteem so much so that I decided to go ahead and tackle some issues with my laptop. iTunes is now irreversibly screwed up, and I don't know that any issues were actually fixed... My bad.
1 comment:
Couple things:
1. 42 ounces is NOTHING. Talk to me when you graduate to the Route 44. :) Take two, they're small.
2. Who measures things in liters? Weirdo.
3. I have been trying for about 4 years to set up a printer/scanner/copier we received as a gift one Christmas. Perhaps I should get one like yours. 10 minutes, you say?
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