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October 07, 2011

A blog neglected.

Hello readers! Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive. Still here- Just too busy to write!

I'm in love with grad school . I am seriously enjoying every single thing we're studying... but the papers are stacking up and I have my nose in a book (or at a computer screen) multiple hours a day. I can already tell huge differences in everyday life- some good, some not so good.

For example, I really enjoy cooking. Leo's been busy with work lately- both teaching and coaching- and tends to get home no earlier than 7:30. And I love having an awesome dinner all cooked and ready by the time he walks through the door... (I'm wife from the 50's!) But now, that's rarely an option. And I miss it.

Also- I have determined that the freshman 15 applies to grad school. Bleh.

But we do have some exciting things coming up--

We booked a super amazing trip to Puerto Rico in December! Talk about an incentive to keep my head above water til then...

AND- I'm headed to Cabot, Arkansas next week to eat some pizza, hang out with family and friends, and honor, remember and raise money. If you're in the area-- stop by! We're having a fundraiser for The 1LT Tom Martin Foundation, celebrating an amazing man- my brother Tom.

Leo and I are also hosting Thanksgiving this year. The Martins will converge on Dallas and fun times will ensue... it shall be great.

So as school continues and the adventures of the next 3 months (and 3 years) come to be, I'll do my best to blog regularly. But if I go missing for a few weeks or so, you know my excuse.

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