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February 28, 2013

Shop til you drop.

I've dabbled with the idea for quite awhile now, but finally made the move this past week. It was a long time coming, and with all the potential benefits, why not give it the old college try? My friends, I've decided to become: a couponer.

You all know how much I love to save a buck, so this just seemed like the next logical choice. And once my dear friend, Jenny, gave me this absolutely amazing, perfect-size-for-coupons llama pouch, it was all over.

I mean c'mon... how can you NOT love that little bag?? It's a shiny, metallic, llama pouch! She knows me well. :)

One of my biggest hesitancies with couponing was the use of paper, but I've already found ways to deal with that. If I have to print them out at home, I use the backside of discarded school papers (which are headed to the trash anyway). And a lot of the stores are now going to ecoupons, which you can use straight from your smart phone or shopping card with zero paper necessary!

No worries- I have neither the time, desire nor space to become one of those stockpiling people you see on reality TV, but every penny saved is a penny that makes Laura happy.

You know what else makes me happy? Shiny llama coupon pouches.

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