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September 05, 2013

Eat more moose.

Well folks, the semester is in high gear and Leo and I have officially survived our first week! Feel free to cheer- I assure you we did. :)

This is definitely the worst one yet... but I discovered a lovely little app several months back that gives me hope. It's a countdown on my phone that counts down by the second! As of tonight, only 252 days left until I graduate! Which sounds like a lot... but yesterday it was 253. 

This week, I also started my pediatric clinical rotation-- And although it involves me driving on a toll road once a week, and is about 20 miles away, it ended up being a perfect fit and I think we will all get along fabulously! (But seriously.. the drive!) I love it when I get to take care of kiddos... they're so darn cute as long as they go home with someone else.

AND, as an added bonus (or is it?)- IKEA is right next door to the clinic. So after a wildly successful first day, I decided to go walk around a bit. We definitely didn't need anything, but I hadn't been in well over a year, and IKEA makes me happy- even if just to look.

And wouldn't ya know? I ended up finding two very awesome (and super budget friendly) items!

First up: Woodland creatures cookie cutters! ...Plus a random whale one. Because really, who doesn't need these in their kitchen?

And awesome find #2: Moose pasta!

Aren't they cute?? And it turns out- also very delicious.

Steamy moose, and finished moose. Why can't all pasta come in fun shapes? It definitely makes rough school semesters that much better.

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