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Llaura Who?

Hello everyone! Laura here. In short: I'm a nurse, a grad student, a traveler & a tree-hugger. "Crazy Aunt Llaura" was a nickname given to me years ago by my brother Tom. And after he was killed in Iraq in 2007, I grew to love it even more. He used to tease that his future children would love coming over to my house- where they would learn to recycle & conserve & eat granola. And the 2 L's came from the fact that I have a soft spot for llamas.

I'm married to an amazing man named Leo. He's originally from Rwanda, but we met in Botswana, Africa when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer over there. Now we're back in the good 'ole U.S. of A. and trying to navigate life, love & marriage.

Posts will most likely include tales of our travels, various ways to save the planet, maybe a bit of healthcare excitement from work, our quest to live a minimalist lifestyle and any randomosity that might happen in between.

Thanks for stopping by!