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January 28, 2011


I've been sick all week. It started on Sunday night- with that oh-so-familiar tickle in the back of the throat... and only went downhill from there. Leo was hoping for a movie night when I got home on Monday, but after about 5 minutes on the couch, I ran for the NyQuil and dove straight into bed. And for most of the week- the couch has been my home.

Leo snapped this little gem while promising me: "It's only Keebler! Don't worry!" I knew better, and therefore covered my face. But apart from taking awful pictures of me, Leo really has been a great nurse. He's willing to make fresh tea and/or hot cocoa whenever necessary- which is especially nice. However, we do have differing views of proper getting-better-procedure. You know how in Central & South America, every illness (from the common cold to TB) is called "gripe?" (gree-pay) A woman can come into a clinic with fullblown pneumonia, and claim she has "la gripe." And a little boy can come in right behind her with a minor sniffle, and again "la gripe." Trust me here.

Well- in Africa (or at least every part I've heard of so far), it's "flu." Anything involving sickness is known as "flu." Not THE flu. Just flu. "Oh no... Warona missed work today. She has flu." "Did you just sneeze?? You have flu." People close up the windows on sweltering buses just to avoid letting flu in... And while Leo doesn't quite go to that extreme- he's definitely a firm believer that while sick, people should only consume hot foods. So when I went to CVS on Tuesday morning to get the necessities and came back with cold medicine and ice cream, he just shook his head. Every time I drink ice water, he basically starts crying on the inside. And on Wednesday, when I dragged myself out of bed to go and volunteer at IRC (which was great!) and then wanted to reward us both after with a Freebirds burrito, he argued a very good case for soup instead. I LOVE soup- and have eaten it for probably 90% of my meals this week... but sometimes a girl just needs a burrito. And cold stuff is soothing when my throat is on fire!

I did suck it up and go to work yesterday... which ended up being ok, but there were a few close calls. I was trying to discharge a patient around 2pm, and had a major coughing attack. I think the poor lady left the hospital about 30 minutes sooner than necessary because she was afraid of my germs. It was horrible. But with the help of my traveling pharmacy (DayQuil, 2 different types of nasal decongestant and about a bajillion cough drops), I got through it. But I swear that stuff to clear up congestion does NOTHING.

I ended up sitting in the bathroom last night, letting the shower run super, duper hot, filling up the room with steam, and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate in the process. It was about the only thing that helped with the pressure in my head...

We're headed out right now to get some fancy tissues. My nose has had just about all it can take of the wal*mart brand, and it's time to move up in the world. Our apartment is filled with great value everything, and we love the whole saving money thing... but this is an emergency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Burritos definitely help all forms of sickness

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