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November 08, 2012

It's just sew nice!

For quite a while now, I've had the urge to start sewing. This is especially ironic because I cannot even count the number of times my Mother tried to teach me when I was younger, and now that we live many hours apart, I want to learn. I know, I know- my timing is impeccable... but alas, I still want to learn! I mentioned this to her awhile back, and asked if she had any old sewing machines lying around. You never know what my parents have stashed up in the attic, and I didn't need anything shiny and new if she had an old one I could learn on. She said she didn't, and I dropped the subject for the time being, thinking maybe I could ask Santa for one for Christmas.

Little did I know, Mom had other plans. About a week after I asked, I got a rather large package in the mail. And guess what was inside??

A beautiful new sewing machine of my very own! Its arrival happened within about 48 hours of all the pricey shenanigans with the car, and I got just a wee bit teary eyed when I opened it up. Just the pick-me-up I needed. And the funny part was- Leo apparently has secret sewing knowledge! As I pulled the pieces out of the box, he began to tell me all about how it's important to put pleats into skirts so they hang better, and how you're supposed to put the two nice fabric sides together and then turn them inside afterward to make it all look nice... Say what?! Such a handy guy. :)

Not long after, I found myself at Joann Fabric. Again- this is ironic since fabric stores were some of my most despised locations as a child. (My sisters and I would often end up in the craft section, practicing our batting with styrofoam balls or launching things over the aisles to whoever was standing on the other side...) But I needed the proper accessories to get started, so away I went. I may know nothing about sewing, but I do know fabric and thread come in handy. And lucky me- I found a perfect little starter kit that would put me on the right path!

Unfortunately, being in the middle of a school semester and all, I have about zero extra time to devote to my new hobby, but through YouTube instructional videos and my dear friend and quilter extraordinaire, Amy, who was in town visiting not long after my new little machine arrived, I have made progress!

That's right ladies & gents- I can now sew a STRAIGHT LINE! Alert Vera Wang she's got some new competition. I'm not willing to disclose just how long it took to actually thread that bobbin- but the point is: we were successful!

I have a long way to go, and I can't imagine ever reaching the ranks of my Mother and Grandmother, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere, right?

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