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July 04, 2011

A Cranky Holiday.

Last night at exactly 2:57am Leo & I woke up to the sound of a siren. At first, it sounded a bit like car alarm, but as I glanced out the window, I also noticed a strobe light- which was a little concerning. So we went out to investigate and discovered two things: 1) the source of the disturbance was a fire alarm on the outside of the next building over and 2) we were the only ones who seemed to care. I had no idea there even were external fire alarms on these buildings, and I've definitely never heard one go off! And seriously, not even one other person was looking out a window or outside in their PJ's like us. We could hear sirens all around us, but it seemed like they couldn't get in the gate- which wasn't exactly a big deal because there wasn't an actual fire. No flames, no smoke-- just a super annoying alarm.

So we went back upstairs and I called the after hours maintenance number. I just wanted to make sure someone knew what was happening over here. And the maintenance guy confirmed what I suspected: the alarm was malfunctioning, and they were trying to get the fire department inside to fix it. And they took their sweet time. We sat there, lying in bed, listening to the alarm for nearly 3 HOURS. I glanced at the clock as it finally shut off-- at 5:32am. ...and I said a little thank you to God that I didn't have to work today.

And while I fought it the whole time, that nocturnal disturbance and severe lack of sleep has made me one cranky girl today. We had a pretty decent afternoon, and after determining that making it to any firework shows would be out of the question-- they all start at 9:30pm, and we both have to get up super early tomorrow-- we decided on going to see the new Transformers instead.

We got there, found our seats, watched a couple of previews and finally got the feature presentation- and that's when I discovered an issue. The little girl behind me. Apparently her parents had thought it was a brilliant idea to bring their 3-year-old to see Transformers. And she was, of course, bored out of her mind (and scared senseless at times) and chose to voice her frustration by repeatedly kicking her chair/ mumbling loudly/ throwing her candy/ making me CRAZY. The movie was actually surprisingly funny, and pretty darn entertaining, but that little girl made the whole 2.5 hours miserable. The parents did NOTHING to stop her and didnt seem to notice whatsoever. But us and the people around us did. Everyone kept turning, several people said stuff, and the second time I was hit in the head with flying candy, I even turned around and couldn't help but exclaim: "Seriously?!" It was unbelievable. I only wished I had candy to throw back. (at her parents)

I get that you want to have family time. I'm all about family time. But hey- instead of spending $10 each for tickets, why not stay home, pop in a family-friendly DVD and let her throw candy from the comfort of her own sofa?? Or better yet- get a freakin' babysitter.

They're lucky they ran out of the theater the second the credits started to roll...

Happy Birthday, America! I hope to celebrate this evening by getting at least 8 hours of sleep. 

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