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November 03, 2011

No paper necessary.

Almost a year ago, we decided to go paper towel-less. Well, really it was my decision... Leo's line of thinking was more: "But they're so great. Why do they have to go away??" But being the awesome husband he is (who's learned not to ask too many questions when it comes to reducing waste), he humored me.  :)

There were a few bumps in the road, because instead of cutting back on our use, we just quit cold turkey. But with a few minor adjustments, it's worked out great!

We got one of those plastic cover things for inside the microwave... since splatter makes me crazy. And it cost literally $1.98. As for when Keebs decides to free himself of a hairball- dish rags work great, and then go directly into the laundry. The biggest obstacle had to do with adventures in glass cleaning. Other than newspaper (which we don't get), I had no idea what else to use to clean mirrors & windows. But it turns out, those microfiber cleaning rags you get for the car or even a cut up old t-shirt work wonders!

It makes me so happy when a change like this not only works, but works well. Toss those paper towels! You can do it, too.

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