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January 28, 2012

The Taxes Two-Step

About a week and a half ago, we received the last of our tax documents in the mail and within minutes, I got to work! With me being in school, and Leo working for only half the year, I knew we’d be getting something back, but I was curious to find out just how much. Also, this was the first year that I knew we wouldn’t be eligible for a 1040EZ, so I was curious to see just how that would go as well. And surprisingly, it went very well! Every income document, all the tuition payments and itemized education expenses, scouring the internet to make sure we got every tiny credit and deduction known to man… I think they should make me an honorary CPA just because I’m that awesome.

I waited a few days to think it over and make sure no little surprises popped up in the meantime, and then hit the submit button on Wednesday night! After a short happy dance, we headed out for what has become our traditional “Taxes-are-Submitted-Chinese-Dinner!” (It all began last year because we were starving as we left the tax office…) There’s a little place down the street that is Leo’s favorite, and we hadn’t been in quite awhile. As we walked in, the wait staff acted like we were long lost relatives who had finally come home… “You two! How are you?! We never see you anymore!” As Leo put it: That’s customer service!

However… By the time we got home, I had an email waiting for me from H&R Block. Our return had been rejected. (Say what?!) Last year, Leo didn’t have his SS# yet, so he had to get a Tax ID# in order to file. And now that he has a SS# and everything he’s earned this year is filed under it, the IRS is confused. After trying twice more to send it in, and being rejected both times… I began to worry. We could always go old school- print it out and mail it. But that would take 5-7 weeks and there was still a possibility that it would be rejected. More internet research led me to people who have been in the same situation who did just that and ended up in a bit of a pickle. Ugh.

So last night, we headed back to our friendly H&R Block office down the street and consulted a professional. It was more than a little frustrating to sit there and watch him put all the same numbers in all the same blanks that I had ALREADY DONE at home, but when all was said and done, he did manage to find us more of a refund. In fact, the extra he found was pretty much exactly the same fee we had to pay them.

I feel like Leo also learned a lot more about the process this year. (I told him next year it’s all on him!) I was explaining how once we’re both out of school, the refunds will drop dramatically, and he came up with the simple solution of staying in school forever. And when our kind tax preparer mentioned that having babies will bump the refund back up again, Leo made the very accurate statement of: “Too bad that refund won’t come close to paying for the kid.” So logical… and true.  :)

One thing that kinda shocked me was how impressed the tax guy was with our detailed receipts. He was so fascinated that we had everything and they were so organized. (with appropriate expenses highlighted!) Apparently most people just come in and guess? I found that interesting.

It definitely wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be… (when immigration is involved, it never is) But the taxes are officially filed and the refund will be arriving shortly.  Done and Done.

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