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January 19, 2011

Don't ya just love crafts??

Our spices have been out of control. They've been housed in a big wal*mart bag since we moved in... no organization whatsoever... all sizes & shapes... and led to frustration every time we needed to dig and find something to cook with.

So a few weeks ago, I hatched a plan. Since we're a little short on kitchen storage, I liked the idea of the magnetic tins that stick to the fridge (or maybe eventually, the inside of a cabinet)... but I refused to pay what Bed Bath & Beyond was asking. So I found a way to do it for a fraction of the cost.

Thanks to a lovely website called, I got the smaller tins for $.64 each and the larger ones for $.80. A definite stretch from the $2.99 each in stores!

And then with the help of a pack of little magnets, some super glue and my super-awesome new label maker... TA-DA!

And the finished product! 

Good for the eyes, and good for the bank account. Our cabinets are smiling once again.  :)


Dad said...

Pretty crafty.... good job

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me! Mom

Anonymous said...

So happy your cabinets are smiling, that's happy! Very nice job :)

Katie said...

I may have to steal this idea!

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